Dorota Kłeczek

At Lumedic Medical Center, she is responsible for manning the reception desk and providing professional patient service to make you as comfortable as possible.

In this regard, she has several years of experience in practice, as well as completed courses in this area.

Dorota is a person who is always engaged in her duties and willing to help, and her additional asset is definitely a positive attitude towards people and openness to new challenges.

She graduated from the Faculty of Management with a specialization in Human Resource Management at the Cracow University of Economics.

Privately she is a very active person, fond of dancing and loving mountains in every form: trekking, climbing, skiing. Outside of sports, she relaxes among nature with a good book.

Dorota Kłeczek

At Lumedic medical center, she is responsible for handling the reception desk.

She is a graduate of the Faculty of Management with a specialization in Human Resource Management at the Cracow University of Economics.

Dorota is a person who is always engaged and willing to help. She is characterized by a positive attitude to people and openness. Privately she is a very active person, loving mountains, climbing and dancing.

Our address

Ul. ks. I. Kłopotowskiego 11, lok. LU4
03-718 Warszawa, Stara Praga

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