The first visit to the gynecologist is a stressful event for many young patients. It often involves powerful trembling, a feeling of embarrassment, and fear. Because of this, many women intentionally postpone their visit to this specialist. Completely unnecessarily.

Gynecological chair, speculum, cytology, suppositories. All these unfamiliar words to young girls can evoke fear. It’s natural to be afraid of what we don’t know. All negative feelings usually subside immediately after the first visit, provided that the doctor conducts the examination in a gentle manner and maintains a friendly atmosphere in the office.

Proper preparation for the visit additionally alleviates the feeling of fear and reduces stress. Therefore, in this article, you will find proven advice on how to prepare for a visit to this specialist.

What does a visit to the gynecologist look like?

A visit to the gynecologist begins with a medical interview. After a short conversation, the specialist asks the patient to undress from the waist down and invites her to the gynecological chair. Then, the doctor conducts an examination of the genital organs. For this purpose, a speculum is used, which serves to widen the walls of the vagina. It may also be necessary to take a cytology sample. In this case, the doctor uses a special brush to collect a smear from the cervix.
It is very possible that the doctor will not invite you to the gynecological chair. The first visit to the gynecologist often only involves an interview and is preventive in nature. The specialist may examine you by gently pressing on the lower abdomen.

Young girls who have not yet had sexual intercourse are not usually examined vaginally. If the patient is a virgin, taking a cytology sample or performing an ultrasound is probably not necessary. In special cases, virgins may be examined through the anus. Such patients are recommended to seek the help of a pediatric gynecologist.

How to choose the right gynecologist?

Think about what qualities a specialist should have for your visit. Whom would you trust, with whom would you feel comfortable? Do you prefer it to be a woman or a man? Or perhaps the gender of the doctor doesn’t matter to you? Maybe you expect the gynecologist to be open, kind, and warm? Or perhaps you prefer someone who is factual and distant?
Choose a doctor with whom you will enjoy scheduling regular appointments. Certainly, a conversation with a close person will help you with this. It could be your mother or a friend. They will surely recommend a proven, friendly specialist to you.

When should you see a gynecologist?

It is best to go for the first visit as early as possible, even if you do not notice any disturbing symptoms. It is recommended to go to the gynecologist immediately after starting sexual intercourse, and at the latest by the age of 30 (if there are no discomforts/symptoms from the genital organs). You can schedule subsequent visits every year. However, if you feel discomfort in the intimate areas or if you have any other discomforts that require an immediate visit to the doctor, make an appointment earlier.
For a visit to the gynecologist, it is best to schedule it a few days after finishing menstruation. However, if your period surprises you, you can, but do not have to, postpone the visit. Although for many women, regardless of age, visiting the doctor during menstruation can be embarrassing, for the gynecologist, bleeding from the genital tract should not be a problem.

How to prepare for the visit?

It is worth preparing a list of questions for the specialist. Write down all the most pressing issues for you. You can ask the gynecologist about everything, even the most embarrassing, awkward things. You will recognize a good specialist after this, as they will not make you feel ashamed but will competently answer these questions.

Before the visit, you should prepare answers to standard gynecological questions. During the visit, the doctor will surely ask you about the date of your last period and the length of your cycle. That’s why regular tracking of menstrual cycles is so important. This is very important information that will allow the specialist to determine whether you are healthy, whether you menstruate properly, or whether you might have a disturbed cycle. During the visit, you will surely be asked about, among other things, when and at what age you started sexual intercourse, whether you have regular sexual contacts, and about past pregnancies.

Is excessive hygiene necessary before a gynecological examination?

Many women, regardless of age, are afraid of how they will appear before the gynecologist. Completely unnecessarily. Just before the visit, it’s worth staying calm and relaxed. If you have followed the advice in the article, you are certainly well-prepared.
You don’t need to perform additional grooming procedures or undergo intimate area depilation. Excessive hygiene is not necessary and can even be harmful. Before the gynecologist’s visit, it is enough to take a shower and dress comfortably.

To increase your comfort, you can wear a loose dress or tunic so that you can quickly cover yourself before and after the examination, although nowadays in most gynecological offices, you will receive a special disposable skirt for this purpose.