Między brzegami
- Excellent pizza, pleasant atmosphere and friendly service
- 200 m from Lumedic – 2 min. walk
- https://www.miedzybrzegami.pl/
Między brzegami
- Excellent pizza, pleasant atmosphere and friendly service
- 200 m from Lumedic – 2 min. walk
- https://www.miedzybrzegami.pl/
Boska! Praga
- Unpretentious restaurant offering local and international cuisine, mainly pizza, dumplings, pasta, and meat dishes.
- 280 meters – 3 min.
- http://boskapraga.pl/menu/
Boska! Praga
- Unpretentious restaurant offering local and international cuisine, mainly pizza, dumplings, pasta, and meat dishes.
- 280 meters – 3 min.
- http://boskapraga.pl/menu/
Bazar Bistro
- Great place decorated in a loft-style atmosphere.
- Original menu offering delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
- 500 meters – 6 min.
- https://www.facebook.com/BazarKlub
Bazar Bistro
- Great place decorated in a loft-style atmosphere.
- Original menu offering delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
- 500 meters – 6 min.
- https://www.facebook.com/BazarKlub
Takie Miejsce
- A small, very charming café with a wonderful atmosphere.
- Music from vinyl records.
- 150 meters – 2 min.
- https://www.facebook.com/takie.miejsce.warszawa
Takie Miejsce
- A small, very charming café with a wonderful atmosphere.
- Music from vinyl records.
- 150 meters – 2 min.
- https://www.facebook.com/takie.miejsce.warszawa
Proces Kawki
- Atmospheric and beautifully decorated place with the possibility to sit at tables or on deckchairs in a huge, natural outdoor garden.
- 300 meters – 4 min.
- https://www.facebook.com/proceskawki
Proces Kawki
- Atmospheric and beautifully decorated place with the possibility to sit at tables or on deckchairs in a huge, natural outdoor garden.
- 300 meters – 4 min.
- https://www.facebook.com/proceskawki
Our address
Ul. ks. I. Kłopotowskiego 11, lok. LU4
03-718 Warszawa, Stara Praga