Construction work on the entire complex of buildings and premises at 11 Kłopotowskiego Street in Warsaw’s Praga district began in July 2020.
After preparing the construction site, in November 2020, necessary demolition work on parts of the old buildings in this area commenced, leading to the so-called “ground zero,” enabling the construction of new buildings and the restoration of some existing ones.
By April 2021, the building structures were already visible, and it was then that we decided to locate our clinic here. In February 2022, the place turned white and atmospheric, not just because of the snow, but mainly due to the delicate, history-inspired bright elevation.
In June 2022, we received the keys to our premises and started interior installation and finishing work. Since then, Lumedic has been gradually but systematically maturing, taking on the appearance of a place that is to become our medical facility.